
pyClesperanto is a GPU-accelerated image processing library for Python. The first step is to import the library and to see what OpenCL devices are available:

import pyclesperanto as cle



If an error is thrown at this stage, it is likely that the OpenCL driver is not installed or that you do not have a OpenCL compatible device. Please, check the installation of your OpenCL and driver.

By default, the first device found will be automatically selected. You can know which device you currently working on, and you can select another one:

# Query the current device

# Select a device by name, substring, or index
cle.select_device("NVIDIA RTX 4090") # full name
cle.select_device("TX") # substring
cle.select_device(0) # device index

The device selection is done by name. You can pass a substring of the device name, and the first device that matches will be selected. If multiple devices have the same name, it is also possible to select the device by its index in the list of available devices.

Memory transfer

It is a good practice to consider the GPU as another computer. Its memory is separated from your computer (host) memory, hence you need to transfer your data to the device memory in order to process it. Going both ways, you will need to transfer it back to your computer (host) memory when you are done running GPU operations so that you can read the results. In pyclesperanto this is managed by the functions push, pull, and create. push and pull are used to transfer data from the host to the GPU and vice versa. create is used to allocate an empty space on the GPU which will be then use, for example to store a result.


As there is not data transfert, we only need to specify the size of the image we want to create. The image will be created on the GPU and will be empty. The size of the image is specified as a tuple of integers following the numpy convention zyx.

# create an empty image on the GPU of size 100x100
gpu_image = cle.create((100, 100))

By default, this will create a 32-bit float space. You can specify the type of the image by passing a dtype argument:

# create an empty image on the GPU of size 100x100
gpu_image = cle.create((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)

It is also possible to use an other image as a template to create the new image. This will copy the size and the data type of the template image.

# create an empty image on the GPU with the same size and data type as the template image
gpu_image = cle.create_like(template_image)


The push will create a memory space on the GPU like create but will also fill it with a data array from the host. For compatibility with the python ecosystem, the data array is expected to be a numpy array.

arr = np.random.random((100, 100)).astype(np.float32)
# push arr to the GPU
gpu_image = cle.push(arr)

The data pushed will keep the same data type as the array. Hence, if you push a uint8 array, the data will be stored as uint8 on the GPU. The array will then use 4 times less memory than if it was stored as float32. This is a good practice to keep in mind when working with GPUs as their memory is limited.


Python natively manage only 2 type of scalar, float and int, correspondint to float64, also known as double and int64. However, double type is not fully supported by GPU devices, hence if used in pyclesperanto, it will be converted to float32.


Finally, the pull function will transfer the data from the GPU back to the host. It will be returned has a numpy array.

# pull gpu_image to the host
arr = cle.pull(gpu_image)

The data type of the array will be the same as the data type of the image on the GPU.


Some operation done on the GPU image may change the data type if needed. For example, the gaussian_blur will return a float32 image even if the input image is uint8.


Not all operation will manage the datatype conversion. Only the one where it is part of the algorithm will do it. For example, the add_image_and_scalar will not convert the data type of the image. If the scalar add to the image reach the maximum value of the data type, the result will be staturated.

Apply operations on images

In py-clesperanto, most function will represent a filter or an operation on images. Each filter are independent and can be used in any order related to your objectives. Therefore we standardised the API so that all functions respect the same convention.

cle.function_name(input, output, arg0, arg1, ...)

This convention is standard to all clesperanto languages, insuring that you can easily switch from one language to another. It is also used as the GPU cannot determine what is the size or type of output you kernel will generate. Therefore, you need to specify the output memory space in which it will write.

for example, to apply a filter such as a gaussian blur, you need to specify the following code:

# push an image to the GPU
gpu_input = cle.push(image)
# create an output of the same size of the input
gpu_output = cle.create(image.shape)
# apply a gaussian blur
cle.gaussian_blur(gpu_input, gpu_output, sigma_x=2, sigma_y=2)
# pull back the result to the host
result = cle.pull(gpu_output)

It is a good practice, at start, to define the input and output and pass them to the function. This will help you to properly managed the data memory between operations. Now, it is also possible to let py-clesperanto manage the push and create of the input and output, making your code shorter and saving you time.

# apply a gaussian blur
gpu_output = cle.gaussian_blur(image, sigma_x=2, sigma_y=2)
# pull back the result to the host
result = cle.pull(gpu_output)

Here, the image is pushed to the GPU and the output is created automatically when calling the operation gaussian_blur. The function will return a gpu_image ready to be pulled back to the host.

The push and pull are data transfert between the host and the GPU. Those operation are the most costly in term of time. It is therefore a good practice to avoid them as much as possible.

Pipeline of operations

As mentioned before, most of the functions in pyclesperanto are independent. This means that you can chain them together to create a pipeline of operations. for example, to apply a gaussian blur followed by a threshold, you can write the following code:

# apply a gaussian blur
gpu_input = cle.push(image)
gpu_output = cle.create(image.shape)
cle.gaussian_blur(gpu_input, gpu_output, sigma_x=2, sigma_y=2)
blurred = cle.pull(gpu_output)

# apply a threshold
gpu_input = cle.push(blurred)
gpu_output = cle.create(blurred.shape)
cle.greater_constant(gpu_output, gpu_output, constant=0.5)
binarized = cle.pull(gpu_output)

Although this code is correct, it is not optimal due to the push and pull in between the two operations. These operations are costly and should be avoided as much as possible in the final version of the code. However they remain a necessity if one whant to inspect the result of each operation.

# apply a gaussian blur
gpu_blurred = cle.gaussian_blur(image, sigma_x=2, sigma_y=2)
# apply a threshold
gpu_binarized = cle.greater_constant(gpu_blurred, constant=0.5)
# read the output on host
binarized = cle.pull(gpu_binarized)

Here we only use push at the beginning inside the gaussian_blur operation and pull at the end of the pipeline. The create is done automatically inside the operations.