
From package manager

The Installation of pyClesperanto can be done via pip:

pip install pyclesperanto

or via conda:

mamba install -c conda-forge pyclesperanto


It is strongly advised to install pyClesperanto in a virtual environment. For example, you can create a new environment with conda:

mamba create --name myenv
mamba activate myenv


It is often require to also install an additional package to use pyClesperanto, especially on MacOS or Linux:

mamba install -c conda-forge ocl-icd-system
mamba install -c conda-forge ocl_icd_wrapper_apple

In case of error messages such as "No OpenCL platform found", you may need to install the OpenCL drivers for your system." or "clGetPlatformIDs failed: PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR", you may need to install more recent drivers for your GPU. Or you maybe missing some specific libraries. We advise you to check the Troubleshooting section of the documentation, and if you still have issues, to contact us for help on the forum or creating an issue on the github repository.

From source

Alternatively, you can also install the latest version from GitHub and build it from source on your system. First start by cloning the repository:

git clone
cd pyclesperanto

Then, create a virtual environment:

mamba create --name myenv
mamba activate myenv

and install the package from the source:

pip install .


You can add the flag -vvv to enables verbose output of the build process.


The -e flag is not supported yet.

pyClesperanto should now be installed in your virtual environment as a package along with all its dependencies. You can now start using it in your Python scripts and test modifications to the source code. However, any modification of the source code will require you to re-install the package with pip to take effect.


If using an install from source, do not import the package from the source directory as it will not work properly.