How to use the library

It is not adviced to use this library directly in your project as it does not provide a simple API for development. Indeed, it is a middle-level code on which rely other user-oriented libraries (pyclesperanto, clesperantoJ, etc.).

However, as a developer, you may have to use this library to implement new operations or to integrate it into your own project. In the following, we provide a simple example to show how to use this library.


First, we need to initialize the Backend. This is done through the singleton pattern BackendManager.

#include "cle.hpp"
/* ... */

The cle::BackendManager::getInstance() function returns the singleton instance of the BackendManager. We can then call the setBackend() function to set the backend we want to use. Here we use the OpenCL backend. CUDA is also available.


Available GPU backends are dependent on the hardware and the installed software on the machine you are operating. It is possible to know what is available by calling the listAvailableBackends() function from the BackendManager.

Now that the backend is initialized, we can access it through the getBackend() function of the singleton as such:

auto backend = cle::BackendManager::getInstance().getBackend();

With the exception of the device initialisation, most operation involving the backend will be done in the background.

Get a device

GPU operation are done on a device. So before we can do any operation, we need to access a device made available by the backend.

auto device = cle::BackendManager::getInstance().getBackend().getDevice("", "all");

The getDevice() function returns a device that is available on the backend. Here we use the first available device of any type possible (CPU or GPU). It is also possible to specify the device we want to use by providing the name of the device as the first argument of the function. The second argument is the type of device we want to use ("gpu" or "cpu"), or "all" to use any available device.

For example:

auto device = cle::BackendManager::getInstance().getBackend().getDevice("RTX", "all");

Will select the first available device with the name "RTX" in its name.

Create, Write, and Read an Array

cle::Array is a class that represents an array on the device. Similarly to most data structures in C++, it as several constructors and getters. Setters, however, are limited to avoid discrepancies between the data on the device and the information stored in the object.

To create an array, we need to provide the device, the size of the array and the data type of the array.

auto gpu_array = cle::Array::create(10, 5, 3, 3, cle::dType::FLOAT, cle::mType::BUFFER, device);

Here we create a 3D array of size 10x5x3 of type float on the device. cle::mType::BUFFER is the memory type of the array, here a BUFFER (see the Array class for more information on the memory types and methods).

Here, we only created a memory space on the device, similarly as a malloc() in C. We need now to write data into the device array.


Where array is a std::vector or std::array of the same size and type as the gpu_array we are trying to write into. We can do the oposite operation and read the gpu_array into a std::vector or std::array.



The read() and write() functions are blocking functions. They will wait for the operation to be done before returning.


As we are operating at a low-level API, no proper verification is done on the size or type of the array. We assume here that the developer knows what he is manipulating. Wrong size or type will result in undefined behavior.

Execute an Operation

Now that we have an array on the device, we can execute an operation on it. For this example, we will use the AddImageAndScalar operation.

auto gpu_result = cle::tier1::add_image_and_scalar(device, gpu_array, nullptr, 5);

gpu_result is a new array on the device that is the result of the operation.


The majority of the operations in the library are requiring to have twice the memory space on the device. More advance operations may require more memory space depending on the number of intermediate values needed.