
We rely on CMake to build the library. CMake is a cross-platform build system that can generate build files for different build systems like make, ninja, Visual Studio, Xcode, etc. We encourage you to refer to your favorite IDE documentation to learn how to use CMake with it. This documentation will cover how to build the library using the command line and ninja as the build system. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you encounter any issues during the build process.


For Windows users, you will need to use the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt from MSVC to build the library.

First, clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd CLIc

Then, use cmake to configure the build:


The cmake command will generate the build files for the library. The --build and --source flags are used to specify the build and source directories. The -G flag is used to specify the generator to use. The -D flags are used to pass options to the cmake command. In this case, we are specifying that we want to build the tests, that we want to build the library in debug mode, and that we want to build the OpenCL backend.

Once configured, we can build the library using the following command:

cmake --build ./build --config Debug --parallel 8

The --config flag is used to specify the configuration to build if multiple are available. The --parallel flag is used to specify the number of parallel builds to use.

Once the build is done, you can run the tests if they were built.

Configuration options

The following options can be passed to the cmake command to configure the build:


    Enable the build of the tests. Default is OFF.


    Enable the build of the CUDA backend. Default is OFF.


    Enable the build of the OpenCL backend. Default is ON.


    Enable the build of the documentation. Default is ON (sphinx and doxygen required).


    Specify the build type. Possible values are Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel.


    Build the library as a shared library. Default is ON.


    Enable the build of the coverage report. Default is OFF.


    Enable the build of the benchmarks. Default is OFF (Work in Progress).